“Christian Angermayer, The Firm’s Chairman, Stated that It Will Acquire $ 5 Million in BTC.”, – WRITE: www.coindesk.com
Christian Angermayer, The Chairman of Germany-Bied Biopharmaceutical Company Atai Life Sciences (Atai) AnnounCed Today that Firm wound Develop Its Own Bitcoin Treas.
“In an era of personal inflation and volatile markets, i find myself asking an important questant for biotech companies loving to preserve and opTimize To bitcoin Help Preserve, Optimize, and Even Extend a Company’s Runway and Hence Contribute to Its Success, ”Angermayer Wrote on Substack.
The Company Will Initial Invest $ 5 Million in Bitcoin, AngerMayer SAID, WHILE HOLDING ENUGH CASH, SHORT-Term Securities and Public Equity for Operational Expenses Into 2027.
The Pharmaceutical Firm is the Latest in a Long Line of Corporations Which Have Soung to Replicate Michael Saylor’s Bitcoin Treasury Strategy.
Atai Briefly Surged Who the News Broke But Is Now Down 2.8% for the day. After Briefly Topping $ 87,000 Overnight, Bitcoin Has Been in Quick Retreat, Now Changing Hands at $ 83.900, Lower by About 1% Over The Past 24 Hours.
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