September 22, 2024
Zelenskyi answered what will happen if Biden does not support the Ukrainian Victory Plan thumbnail

Zelenskyi answered what will happen if Biden does not support the Ukrainian Victory Plan

The Ukrainian plan to win the war is calculated on the fact that the American leader Joe Biden will support it. But if this does not happen, it will still be implemented, only worse. This was stated by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi in an interview with the American weekly The New Yorker. On the question of whether Ukraine has a plan “B” in case Biden rejects”, — write on:

The Ukrainian plan to win the war is calculated on the fact that the American leader Joe Biden will support it. But if this does not happen, it will still be implemented, only worse.

This was stated by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi in an interview with the American weekly The New Yorker.

When asked whether Ukraine has a plan B in case Biden rejects the Victory Plan, Zelenskyy answered: “We have been living in plan B for years.”

According to him, plan “A” was proposed even before a full-scale war, when it was about preventive sanctions and strengthening Ukraine with various weapons. However, then the partners “did not listen” to Ukraine.

“Now I propose a new plan ‘A.’ This plan means that we are changing the current course, where we have stood only because of the strength of our army, the heroic commitment to the European values ​​of our people and soldiers. If you don’t want this war to drag on, if you don’t want Putin to bury us under the corpses of his people, taking more Ukrainian lives, we offer you a plan to strengthen Ukraine,” the President said.

He explained that the plan states what the partners can do without the participation of Russia. Therefore, the document does not require cooperation from Moscow. Zelensky added that before diplomacy can be effective, the implementation of the Ukrainian plan depends only on Kyiv and foreign partners.

According to the President, this plan was developed primarily with Biden’s support in mind. But if he does not want to support him, then Zelensky “cannot force him”, and then Ukraine will continue to “live according to plan B”.

At the same time, he called Biden’s refusal a “terrible thought”: “It would mean that Biden does not want to end the war in any way that denies the victory of the Russian Federation.”

In his opinion, this would lead to “a very long war – an impossible, exhausting situation that would kill a huge number of people”.

It was previously reported that President Volodymyr Zelenskyi will present the “Victory Plan” to US President Joe Biden and the candidates for the presidency of the United States – Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

It will probably happen at the UN General Assembly in New York.

⚡️⚡️⚡️All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and fast news.

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