September 19, 2024
Zelenskyi admitted that Ukraine has not yet received permits for long-range strikes against Russia thumbnail

Zelenskyi admitted that Ukraine has not yet received permits for long-range strikes against Russia

Despite various rumors in the Defense Ministry, none of the allies has yet given their permission for strikes with long-range weapons on the territory of Russia. And the Russian Federation was already able to hide its planes deep in the country. This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi in an interview with CNN. He noted that “everyone is watching” the decision of the United States and waiting for it. And only after that the rest”, — write on:

Despite various rumors in the Defense Ministry, none of the allies has yet given their permission for strikes with long-range weapons on the territory of Russia. And the Russian Federation was already able to hide its planes deep in the country.

This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi in an interview with CNN.

He noted that “everyone is watching” the decision of the United States and waiting for it. And only after that, the rest of the partners will make their decision.

Zelenskyi assured that in the case of obtaining permission, Ukraine would attack only military bases with aircraft, and not civilian infrastructure. He noted that the Russian aviation used 4,000 guided aerial bombs every month in the east alone.

“We waited too long, now Russia has started moving its planes from 100 km, 150 km, 300 to 500 km. Now we need more permits,” Zelensky emphasized.

It was previously reported that the administration of US President Joe Biden still does not support strikes by the Ukrainian army deep into Russia. At the same time, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the White House is considering the possibility of “adjusting the position” based on the situation on the battlefield.

We will also remind you that French President Emmanuel Macron said that Ukraine should be allowed to strike the territory of the Russian Federation. But this should apply only to objects from which the occupiers launch missiles.

Ukraine can carry out strikes on the territory of Russia with the weapons transferred by Ottawa, since Canada did not talk about any conditions when transferring weapons to Kyiv.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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