“On February 20, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Kelloga on February 20, during which he discussed the fastest path to the US agreement. About it reports Telegram President Vladimir Zelensky. “Meeting with General Kellog. Good conversation, many details. I am grateful to the United States for all the assistance provided and two -party support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, ”he wrote. According to Zelensky”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
On February 20, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Kelloga on February 20, during which he discussed the fastest path to the US agreement.
About it reports Telegram President Vladimir Zelensky.
“Meeting with General Kellog. Good conversation, many details. I am grateful to the United States for all the assistance provided and two -party support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, ”he wrote.
According to Zelensky, it is important to us and for the whole free world for US power to feel.
“They discussed the situation in the battlefield and how to return all our captives, as well as effective security guarantees. From the first second of this war, Ukraine seeks peace, and we can also make peace reliable and long -lasting so that Russia can never return with war again, ”he said.
Zelensky also stressed that Ukraine is ready for a strong, really useful agreement with US President Donald Trump on investment and security.
“We have offered the fastest and most constructive way to achieve the result. Our team is ready to work 24/7. Success combines. Everyone in the world needs success in relations with the United States, ”Zelensky stated.
After a meeting between the President and Kellog, a joint press conference was planned, but it was canceled by the request of the US side.
Earlier, we wrote that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andriy Sibiga discussed with the Special Representative of the US President for Ukraine and Russia Kit Kellogo Ways to a comprehensive, just and strong peace.
Also we will remind that on February 19, Presidential Office Andriy Yermak met with US President Kellog Special Representative.