“President Volodymyr Zelenskyy registered in Parliament a bill 0304 on Ukraine’s accession to the Convention on International Access to Justice, as stated in the explanatory note, the Convention on International Access to Justice of October 25, 1980 was developed within the Hague Conference on International Private International Law. The task of the Convention is to create”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy registered in Parliament Bill 0304 on Ukraine’s accession to the Convention on International Access to Justice
As noted in the explanatory note, the Convention on International Access to Justice of October 25, 1980 was developed within the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and entered into force on May 1, 1988.
The task of the Convention is to create legal grounds for providing free legal aid during court proceedings in civil and economic matters to citizens of one Contracting State or other persons living in it, in any other contracting state on the same conditions as they were citizens and usually resided in this state.
The participants of the Convention are 28 states: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Kazakhstan, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Northern Macedia, Poland, Poland, Poland, Poland. France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Sweden, Switzerland.
According to Article 32 of the Convention, any state may join it.
Contracting States must appoint a central body to receive free legal aid applications submitted in accordance with this Convention and to take measures for them, as well as one or more sequence bodies in order to send applications for free legal assistance to the relevant central body in the requested state.
The application for free legal aid is drawn up in accordance with the form attached to the Convention and should be accompanied by supporting documents.
Appeals, supporting documents, as well as any reports in response to additional information are drawn up in the state language or one of the state languages of the requested state or are accompanied by a translation of one of these languages or English or French.
The recipient’s central body examines the appeal or takes such measures that are necessary for its consideration by the competent authority of the requested state.
All documents sent in accordance with the Convention shall be exempted from legalization, any payment for their consideration, and must be processed immediately.
The Convention provides for the possibility of recognizing the decision on payment of court costs and its enforcement for free in any other contracting state at the request of the person in favor of which such a resolution was issued.
Citizens of the Convention participants may receive on request copies or excerpts from records in state registers and court decisions in civil or commercial cases, as well as to legalize such documents as needed.
Arrest and detention are also prohibited as a way of performing or as a preventive measure in civil or commercial cases.