“Volgograd attacked drones, the Russians report explosions and work of air defense on March 15, 06:30 Share: a fire in Volgograd on the night of March 15 (photo: video from video/Astra/Telegram) on the night of Saturday, March 15, in the Russian Volgograp. The locals report the attacks of drones and a fire near the Sarrept railway station. As the Russian Telegram-channel Astra writes, the probable target of attack may be”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Fire in Volgograd on the night against March 15 (Photo: Frame with video/Astra/Telegram)
On the night of Saturday, March 15, explosions thickened in the Russian Volgograd. The locals report the attacks of drones and a fire near the Sarrept railway station.
According to the Russian Telegram-channel Astra, the likely purpose of the attack can be a refinery of the Lukoil, which is located a few kilometers from the place of fire.
There are no official statements about the attack.