September 24, 2024
Ukraine and Moldova plan to sign an agreement on mutual recognition of educational documents thumbnail

Ukraine and Moldova plan to sign an agreement on mutual recognition of educational documents

Ukraine and Moldova are actively working on the Agreement, which will determine the principles of mutual recognition of documents on education and scientific degrees issued in the two countries. Mutual recognition of qualification categories and pedagogical titles of teachers is also envisaged. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Reintegration. The issue of the agreement was discussed during the meeting on solving the problematic aspects of the stay of Ukrainian citizens abroad, which was chaired by”, — write on:

Ukraine and Moldova are actively working on the Agreement, which will determine the principles of mutual recognition of documents on education and scientific degrees issued in the two countries. Mutual recognition of qualification categories and pedagogical titles of teachers is also envisaged.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Reintegration.

The issue of the agreement was discussed during a meeting on solving problematic aspects of the stay of Ukrainian citizens abroad, which was chaired by the deputy head of the Office of the President, Iryna Vereshchuk.

During a visit to the neighboring country, representatives of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, together with their Moldovan colleagues from the Ministry of Education and Research, agreed on the text of the agreement.

Currently, both sides are conducting domestic procedures for the approval of the document, and the agreement is planned to be signed by the end of 2024.

In 2024, about 60% of Ukrainian refugees in Moldova found employment.

It was previously reported that the Swiss authorities will take into account the financial situation of Ukrainian refugees when considering applications for social assistance.

Switzerland also wants Ukrainian refugees to look for work more actively, and therefore it is planned to cancel the mandatory work permit issued by local authorities for them.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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