“Podmoskov massively attacked UAVs: two Moscow airports stopped working, reports of explosions and operations of air defense on March 11, 05:06 Share: A fire in the Ramensky Moscow region after the UAV attack on March 11 (photo: Astra/Telegram) on the night of Tuesday, March 11, Moscow region. Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobiangin claims that Russian air defense allegedly knocked down at least 58 drones moving toward”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Fire in Ramensky Moscow region after UAV attack March 11 (photo: Astra/Telegram)
On the night of Tuesday, March 11, the Moscow region attacked UAV. Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobiangin claims that the Russian air defense allegedly knocked down at least 58 drones moving towards the capital of the aggressor country.
In his posts on Telegram Sobiangin stated that the UAVs were allegedly knocked down in the city district of Domodedovo and Ramensky City District.
According to the Russian Telegram-channel Astra, the operation of Airports Zhukovsky and Domodedovo in the Moscow region was suspended due to UAV attack.
The Russian media spread video fires in a high -rise building in Ramensky, which, according to them, allegedly arose due to a drone.
Another hit of the drone into a dwelling house in the Moscow region is also reported.