September 19, 2024
The Security Service of Ukraine and prosecutors are conducting urgent investigations and search operations following the execution of a soldier of the Armed Forces with a sword thumbnail

The Security Service of Ukraine and prosecutors are conducting urgent investigations and search operations following the execution of a soldier of the Armed Forces with a sword

Law enforcement officers have started an investigation into the alleged execution of a Ukrainian serviceman by representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This was reported by the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office. Under the procedural leadership of the Donetsk regional prosecutor’s office, a pre-trial investigation was started in criminal proceedings on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder. The pre-trial investigation is carried out by investigators of the State Security Service of Ukraine in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. It is noted that”, — write on:

Law enforcement officers have started an investigation into the alleged execution of a Ukrainian serviceman by representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

This was reported by the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Under the procedural leadership of the Donetsk regional prosecutor’s office, a pre-trial investigation was started in criminal proceedings on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder. The pre-trial investigation is carried out by investigators of the State Security Service of Ukraine in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

It is noted that on September 17, 2024, a post was published in one of the Telegram channels about the probable execution of a Ukrainian defender by representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the city of Novogrodivka. The published photos show that the occupiers stuck a sword with the inscription “For Kursk” into a serviceman of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. In the picture, the slain serviceman is missing his equipment and has sticky tape on one of his hands.

The OGP notes that a number of urgent investigative and search actions are currently being conducted. The circumstances of the committed offense are being investigated in order to identify the involved and guilty persons. As part of the criminal proceedings, instructions and requests were sent to the relevant competent services and institutions.

“The criminal regime continues its purposeful policy of destroying everything Ukrainian, demonstrating to the whole world its monstrous cruelty and cynically disregarding any values ​​and norms of the civilized world.

Our goal is to find and punish everyone involved in these crimes. The world must see the atrocities of the occupiers and respond decisively to each such case. Only by joint efforts can we punish this evil,” said Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin.

Earlier, Dmytro Lubinets appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross with a demand to facilitate the return of the bodies of the teenagers from Berdyansk, Tigran Hovhanesyan and Nikita Khanganov, who were tortured by the Russians, to their families.

More than 400 Ukrainian women in the status of prisoners of war remain in Russian captivity. Ukraine is working on their return.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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