“Currently, the Russians are trying to create “maximum chaos” with emissions. They spread fakes through the X social network and Western media. This was reported by the head of the Center for countering disinformation at the NSDC Andriy Kovalenko in Telegram. “The Russians will now try to create maximum chaos with attacks on the Western media and through X,” Kovalenko said. The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation is responsible for the releases, he added. We will remind”, — write on: ua.news
Currently, the Russians are trying to create “maximum chaos” with emissions. They spread fakes through the X social network and Western media.
This was reported by the head of the Center for Combating Disinformation at the NSDC Andriy Kovalenko in Telegram.
“The Russians will now try to create maximum chaos with attacks on the Western media and through X,” Kovalenko noted.
The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation is responsible for the releases, he added.
We will remind you that recently, social networks began to spread a fake that Elon Musk, who is a supporter of Donald Trump, allegedly wrote to himself on Twitter about “the last dollar for the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky” from the United States.
Kovalenko reacted to this accusation and noted that such a post by Mask does not exist and urged not to fast on nonsense.
American billionaire Elon Musk took part in a telephone conversation between Donald Trump, who won the US presidential election, and Volodymyr Zelensky.
Earlier we wrote that Argentine President Javier Millay, who is known for his support of Donald Trump’s views and activities, will meet with the US president-elect at his residence in Florida next week.
We will also remind you that the American billionaire, founder of Tesla and Space X, Elon Musk, does not hide his joy from the news about the predicted victory of the Republican Donald Trump in the US presidential elections.
All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.