September 30, 2024
The Minister of Finance answered whether there will be reservations for money in Ukraine thumbnail

The Minister of Finance answered whether there will be reservations for money in Ukraine

Minister of Finance Serhii Marchenko believes that it was necessary to introduce economic reservation in Ukraine a long time ago, but the adoption of such a decision is still being discussed due to its complexity. Marchenko said this in an interview with “When you talk to the military, you’re never going to convince them that it’s the right thing to do. Never. They say: let’s pay 35 thousand now and leave”, — write on:

Minister of Finance Serhiy Marchenko believes that it was necessary to introduce economic reservation in Ukraine a long time ago, but the adoption of such a decision is still being discussed due to its complexity.

Marchenko said this in an interview with

“When you talk to the military, you’re never going to convince them that it’s the right thing to do. Never. They say: let’s pay 35 thousand now and go and rest a little. And I don’t know the answer to this question. Although I understand perfectly well what is happening. Because, relatively speaking, we see corruption in the VLK, TCC, borders. People are all smart,” Marchenko pointed out.

In turn, the minister noted that reservations are still available in Ukraine, because currently a million Ukrainians have already booked.

“Therefore, if it was a really transparent way, when you pay taxes, register, and this allows you to at least be guaranteed that you will not be caught, immediately “packaged” and sent somewhere without your knowledge, it would be better. But the discussion is not easy, because it must be combined with mobilization plans, with an understanding of what is happening there, what are the needs, and whether they are completely covered. As far as I understand, they are not completely closed, so the issue of economic booking is still being discussed,” the politician noted.

Previously, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine reserved from mobilization all personnel of non-governmental organizations and enterprises that have foreign financing and are critically important for the functioning of the economy.

We will remind you that previously, people’s deputy Dmytro Natalukha told in an interview what is the approximate reserve for mobilization in Ukraine.

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