“The court released from criminal responsibility Serhiy Gnezdilov, who publicly announced his voluntary abandonment of the military unit (SZCH) in the fall of 2024. Now he will return to the service. This was reported in Telegram by “Suspilne”. The meeting took place in the Babushkin District Court of Dnipro. Hnezdilova’s lawyer Anastasia Burkovska stated that the soldier wants to return to service, so they made such a request to 56”, — write on: ua.news
The court released from criminal responsibility Serhiy Gnezdilov, who publicly announced his voluntary abandonment of the military unit (SZCH) in the fall of 2024. Now he will return to the service.
This was reported in Telegram by “Suspilne”.
The meeting took place in the Babushkin District Court of Dnipro.
Hnezdilova’s lawyer Anastasia Burkovska stated that the soldier wants to return to service, so they made such a request to the 56th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade and received the corresponding written permission.
Appealing to part 5 of Article 401 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (CPC), Burkovska filed a motion to release the military officer from liability.
During the meeting, Gnezdilov stated that after the SZH he claimed to be ready to return to the service, and prosecutor Mykola Shelest, in turn, did not object to the consideration of the above-mentioned petition.
According to the court’s decision, Gnezdilov was released from criminal responsibility, and in three days the military man must return to duty and be an unmanned aerial vehicle operator. You can appeal this decision within seven days.
We will remind you that in October 2024, employees of the State Bureau of Investigation detained Serhii Gnezdilov, a soldier of the 56th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade.
In September of that year, he voluntarily left the military unit and announced it through social networks.
Then the court chose a preventive measure for the serviceman Serhii Hnezdilov. He was held in custody for 60 days without bail.
All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.