September 30, 2024
The court ordered the SBI to open a case against the former commander of the United Forces thumbnail

The court ordered the SBI to open a case against the former commander of the United Forces

The Kyiv Court of Appeal ordered the State Bureau of Investigation to open a case against the ex-commander of the United Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yuriy Sodol. The chief of staff of the “Azov” brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine Bohdan Krotevych told about this. Thus, the court overturned the previous decision of the Shevchenkivskiy District Court of Kyiv, which rejected Krotevich’s complaint to the DBI because they did not initiate a case against Sodol there. And already”, — write on:

The Kyiv Court of Appeal ordered the State Bureau of Investigation to open a case against the ex-commander of the United Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yuriy Sodol.

The chief of staff of the “Azov” brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine Bohdan Krotevych told about this.

Thus, the court overturned the previous decision of the Shevchenkivskiy District Court of Kyiv, which rejected Krotevich’s complaint to the DBI because they did not initiate a case against Sodol there.

According to the new decision, the SBI must start an investigation into the negligent attitude towards military service (Part 2 of Article 425 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), which caused serious consequences, no later than a day after receiving the court decision.

“This is a big step forward, but not yet a victory,” Krotevych said.

He also added that he was ready to refuse, but wanted to hear her in person. So now he thanks the judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal for such an “example of justice”.

Earlier, the chief of staff of the “Azov” brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, Bohdan Krotevych, asked the court to compel the State Bureau of Investigation to open a case against the ex-commander of the United Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yuriy Sodol. On June 27, he received a response from the SBI, where he was informed that they would add his statement against Sodol to the case regarding the breakthrough of the Russian military across the border in the Kharkiv region.

We will remind, on June 23, the chief of staff of the “Azov” brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine Bohdan Krotevych submitted a statement to the State Bureau of Investigation with a call to investigate Sodol. According to Krotevych, “99% of the military hate him for what he does.”

Against the background of the scandal, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi dismissed the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Yuriy Sodol.

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