“The Supreme Anti -Corruption Court made a decision in the case of the former MP from the party “Servant of the People” Irina Kormyshkina and her husband Yuri Kormishkin. They were found guilty of illegal enrichment, after which the spouse concluded an agreement with the investigation, pleasing their guilt. According to the verdict, Irina Kormyshkin received 5 years imprisonment with a fine of 68 thousand hryvnias and deprivation”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
The Supreme Anti -Corruption Court made a decision in the case of the former MP from the party “Servant of the People” Irina Kormyshkina and her husband Yuri Kormishkin.
They were found guilty of illegal enrichment, after which the spouse concluded an agreement with the investigation, pleasing their guilt.
According to the verdict, Irina Kormishkina received 5 years in prison with a fine of 68 thousand hryvnias and deprivation of the right to occupy public positions for two years. Her husband was assigned a similar punishment.
However, the court decided to release both of the real serving of the sentence, replacing it for a conditional period of two years.
In addition, the spouses were obliged to transfer 20 million hryvnias to the state budget, as well as an additional UAH 2 million in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
This decision can be appealed on appeal within 30 days. At the same time, the case has caused considerable public resonance due to the scale of illegal enrichment and participation in it for a former MP.
According to the investigation, in the period from 2021 to 2022, it purchased assets worth more than UAH 20 million, although its official income during this time was only UAH 2.7 million.
Irina Kormishkina was previously elected a deputy in 2019 on the list of the party “Servant of the People”. In February, she made her deputy mandate. Her name also appeared in a sexist scandal in 2020, when the faction management incorrectly spoke about it during a briefing.
In addition, NABU accused the expature of introducing false data to the electronic declaration, in particular the concealment of real estate and land.
Irina Kormyshkina, Yuriy Kormyshkin, also has political experience – he was a deputy of the Mykolaiv Regional Council from the Party of Regions and the Our Territory Party.
In addition, it is the founder of the PACE Agroindustrial Holding, which is based in the Nikolaev area. Local journalists are known to accuse him of involvement in illegal grain exports.