September 23, 2024
The Cabinet of Ministers approved a plan to restore education in the liberated territories thumbnail

The Cabinet of Ministers approved a plan to restore education in the liberated territories

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the plan of measures to restore education in the de-occupied territories for 2024-2027. The restoration of the educational process will depend on a number of factors, including the duration of the occupation, the state of the infrastructure and the security situation. This was reported by the Ministry of Education and Science. “One of the priorities of the state is the restoration of the educational process in the de-occupied territories. This process depends on various factors. Among them”, — write on:

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the plan of measures to restore education in the de-occupied territories for 2024-2027. The restoration of the educational process will depend on a number of factors, including the duration of the occupation, the state of the infrastructure and the security situation.

This was reported by the Ministry of Education and Science.

“One of the priorities of the state is the restoration of the educational process in the de-occupied territories. This process depends on various factors. Among them are the duration of the occupation and its nature, security factors (mining, shelling, etc.), the state of the educational infrastructure (presence of destruction / damage, available educational network, etc.), as well as transport connections, the demographic situation, the available personnel reserve, the economic situation in the state and the possibility providing financial support to such territories,” the message reads.

Among the strategic goals of the action plan are:

1. Restoration of the Ukrainian education system in the de-occupied territories.

2. Ensuring the educational process in accordance with Ukrainian educational standards.

3. Creating a safe educational environment.

The implementation of the above-mentioned strategic goals is entrusted to the ministries, state institutions and local administrations, in particular with the military administrations, with the funds of the expenditures provided for in the state and local budgets for the relevant year.

Adoption of the order will ensure in the de-occupied territories:

• educational process in accordance with Ukrainian educational standards;

• conditions for achieving physical safety of participants in the educational process;

• introduction of modern digital tools and digital educational materials for obtaining education;

• formation of a personnel reserve to support institutions and educational institutions in the de-occupied territories;

• creation of a support system for participants in the educational process during the adaptation period – the transition from the education system of the aggressor state to the Ukrainian education system, etc.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Education of Ukraine Andriy Vitrenko said that $14 billion is needed to restore the educational infrastructure that was damaged or destroyed as a result of the war.

Recently, a mine safety simulator was presented on the Diya.Osvita portal

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