“The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Strategy for Development of the Civil Protection Protective Fund for the period up to 2034. The cost of the project will be UAH 789.3 billion, it will be funded mainly by international assistance. This is stated at the disposal of No. 183-r from March 4, 2025. The purpose of the strategy would be to form a protected environment for civilian population by creating a network of objects of the protective fund”, – Write On: ua.news
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Strategy for Development of the Civil Protection Protective Fund for the period up to 2034. The cost of the project will be UAH 789.3 billion, it will be funded mainly by international assistance.
This is stated at the disposal of No. 183-r from March 4, 2025.
The purpose of the strategy will be to form a protected environment for civilian population by creating a network of objects of the protective structures to protect the lives of civilians and to minimize losses in the case of the enemy of modern means of damage.
Currently, there are 62.7 thousand objects in the territory of Ukraine under the control of the Government of Ukraine, which provide shelter of 48.8% of the population. Of these, 54.2 thousand are ready for use.
The implementation of the project will take place in three stages: the first stage – 2025-2027; the second stage – 2028-2030; The third stage is 2031-2034.
In the first stage, it is planned to increase the number of objects of the civil protection protective structures by 2 300 structures through the construction of new protective structures of civil protection and double -purpose structures
In the second stage, the number of structures want to increase by 3,000 due to the construction of new protective structures of civil protection and double -use structures (in particular, public access protective structures).
In the third stage – an increase in the number of 8,000 structures.
In order to achieve strategic goals, financing is approximately UAH 789.3 billion (the first stage – UAH 151.1 billion, the second stage – UAH 181.6 billion, the third stage – UAH 456.6 billion). It is envisaged that funds will be received, in particular, at the expense of the state budget in the amount of UAH 81.2 billion.
It is also envisaged to raise funds of the International Coalition on the Development of the Civil Protection Protection Fund in the amount of UAH 642.5 billion (14.69 billion euros).
Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a decision on the division of subsidies to local budgets in the amount of ₴ 460.5 million for the arrangement of shelters in schools and military lyceums.
Earlier, we wrote that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed Law No. 4200-IX, which establishes responsibility for violation of the requirements for the maintenance and operation of the objects of the Civil Protection Fund. This law is intended to strengthen the responsibility of officials for unstressed or closed shelters.
Also we will remind that law enforcement officers exposed officials of the Kyiv City State Administration, who appropriated UAH 2.2 million on the repair of lyceum and school shelters.