September 20, 2024
The businessman supplied the military with margarine instead of butter thumbnail

The businessman supplied the military with margarine instead of butter

In the Carpathian region, law enforcement officers exposed a fraudulent scheme and informed the suspect of the contractor who supplied the needs of military units in the Ivano-Frankivsk region with margarine instead of 20,000 packs of butter. This was reported by the Special Prosecutor’s Office of the Western Region and the National Police. The investigation established that contracts were concluded between the Ministry of Defense and a number of commercial structures for the supply of products – butter – for military units stationed in”, — write on:

In the Carpathian region, law enforcement officers exposed a fraudulent scheme and informed the suspect of the contractor who supplied the needs of military units in the Ivano-Frankivsk region with margarine instead of 20,000 packs of butter.

This was reported by the Special Prosecutor’s Office of the Western Region and the National Police.

The investigation established that contracts were concluded between the Ministry of Defense and a number of commercial structures for the supply of products – butter – for military units stationed in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The cost of the purchase was only 10 million hryvnias.

However, as the police established, instead of 20,000 packages of butter, the businessman organized the delivery of margarine of unknown origin to military units. According to only one of the contracts concluded in 2023 between the defense department and the company controlled by the deputy of the Kyiv City Council, the amount of damages is almost 580,000 hryvnias.

It was established that the suspect involved unknown persons who falsified the manufacturer’s declaration, on the basis of which he was able to obtain a settlement and later legalize the funds through financial transactions.

Currently, the businessman has been notified of the suspicion and a precautionary measure has been taken. The involvement of other persons in the crime is checked.

The head of a commercial structure may face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.

We will remind that the State rear operator (procurement organization of the Ministry of Defense) presented a new model of food supply for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a pilot project, it will be operational in several regions of Ukraine as early as 2025.

It was previously reported that the state operator of the rear will direct UAH 2.2 billion saved in state procurement to the purchase of an additional amount of body armor, helmets and tactical headphones for the Armed Forces.

Recently, the Ministry of Defense received a list of candidates for the positions of independent members of the supervisory board of the State Rear Operator (DOT). Among them are three citizens of Ukraine and applicants from Great Britain, Denmark, Lithuania, Norway, Turkey and the Czech Republic.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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