““Putting up the main fear of the dictator”. How to regard Carlson’s statement about alleged intentions of Baiden administration to kill Putin – Denysenko on January 28, 11:38 To share: Russian dictator Vladimir Putin (photo: Reuters/Evgenia novozhenina) American blogger and presenter Taira Carlson, who claims that allegedly US Expature Administration Joe Baiden tried to kill”, – Write On: ua.news
Russian dictator Vladimir Putin (Photo: Reuters/Evgenia Novozhenina)
Political scientist Vadim Denysenko told Radio NV, which the American blogger and presenter Taer Carlson could hint at, who claims that the US Exploration Administration Joe Biden had sought to kill Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.
In my point of view, this is the most interesting thing that happened since the inauguration [нового президента США Дональда] Trump. What do I see the curiosity here at least for myself?