January 30, 2025
"Only fleas jump fast": the expert criticized Trump's calls to immediately reduce oil prices thumbnail

“Only fleas jump fast”: the expert criticized Trump’s calls to immediately reduce oil prices

US President Donald Trump is unlikely to quickly reduce the cost of oil in the world markets. After all, this requires appropriate motivation for all exporting countries and miners. If Trump is able to offer it – the effect will be, says economist Yuri Gavrilechko. The expert shared his thoughts in a comment by UA.news. The economist acknowledges that he does not know what motivational things Trump can offer.”, – Write On: ua.news

US President Donald Trump is unlikely to quickly reduce the cost of oil in the world markets. After all, this requires appropriate motivation for all exporting countries and miners.

If Trump is able to offer it – the effect will be, says economist Yuri Gavrilechko. The expert shared his thoughts in a comment by UA.news.

The economist acknowledges that he does not know what motivational things Trump can offer. But if it does, the reduction of oil prices can occur in a relatively short time. However, this will not happen very quickly, because “quickly only fleas are jumping.”

“The effect will be if the next step is to block oil logistics pathways … For example, US fleets will start performing the functions of a common ocean” customs “and start checking the tankers with oil under the flags of small minor jurisdictions. It means “shadow fleet”, and not only Russia. And you can try to block the ducts. Then it will be even more interesting.

In order for all this to be quickly, it is necessary to provide Russia with oil logistics on all sides. In particular, the oil pipeline that goes through Ukraine should also be blocked as a gas pipe. And with India, the United States also have to negotiate. And again: it will hit Russia economically. It is a tool for coercion to sit at the negotiation table. But the Russians are used to living badly. And if the level of their well -being will gradually decline – well, what about it? Here if it falls rapidly – yes. And if gradually – no. It will not affect anything, ”Gavrilechko comments.

The expert calls the very policy of gradual introduction of sanctions and other restrictions on the Russian Federation. Because of this, the standard of living of the Russians decreases very gradually. If it were done sharply and suddenly, then there would be another effect. So Trump should act radically, summed up Yuri Gavrilechko.

Earlier, we wrote that Vadim Orphan Candidate considers the President’s plans to be an effective step.

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