September 25, 2024
Not only Pushkin: 19 monuments are being decommunized in Odesa thumbnail

Not only Pushkin: 19 monuments are being decommunized in Odesa

The Executive Committee of the Odesa City Council plans to dismantle 19 monuments in the city as part of decommunization. Among them – Gorky, Pushkin, Alexander II and Michurin. According to the website of the city hall, the capital construction department of the city council wants to appoint a customer for the design of dismantling. Among the monuments that are planned to be removed from the public space – to Maxim Gorky, Alexander Pushkin, Alexander II, Zoya Kosmodemyanska, and”, — write on:

The Executive Committee of the Odesa City Council plans to dismantle 19 monuments in the city as part of decommunization. Among them – Gorky, Pushkin, Alexander II and Michurin.

According to the website of the City Hall, the Department of Capital Construction of the City Council wants to appoint a customer for the design of dismantling. Monuments to Maxim Gorky, Alexander Pushkin, Alexander II, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, as well as models of the Order of Lenin, a mass grave of the Red Guards, a wall of the Chekists, a monument to Komsomol members of Odeshchyna, and others are among the monuments that are planned to be removed from the public space.

Earlier, Oleg Kiper, the head of Odesa OVA, announced that he had signed an order to demolish, in particular, a monument to Pushkin in Odesa. The city council pointed out that it is necessary to have a UNESCO permit.

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