September 25, 2024
More than 6 million hryvnias of savings and several companies, but only an old apartment, two small plots of land and a car are declared: why will the National Audit Office inspect Natalia Vasylivna Parfenyuk, a member of the Council of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine thumbnail

More than 6 million hryvnias of savings and several companies, but only an old apartment, two small plots of land and a car are declared: why will the National Audit Office inspect Natalia Vasylivna Parfenyuk, a member of the Council of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine

Our investigation of the declarations continues. In this article, we will talk about Natalia Vasylivna Pafreniuk. The woman is a member of the Council of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine. Works at the Audit Chamber of Ukraine. However, why was her life interested in the National Academy of Sciences? Let’s figure it out. According to the declaration for 2023, Nataliya Vasylivna has a husband Serhii Anatoliyovych Rudy. It is registered as a FOP. The main activity, according to the YouControl portal”, — write on:

Our investigation of the declarations continues. In this article, we will talk about Natalia Vasylivna Pafreniuk. The woman is a member of the Council of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine. Works at the Audit Chamber of Ukraine. However, why was her life interested in the National Academy of Sciences? Let’s figure it out.

According to the declaration for 2023, Nataliya Vasylivna has a husband Serhii Anatoliyovych Rudy. It is registered as a FOP. The main activity, according to the YouControl portal, is consulting on commercial activities and management. The FOP was registered on October 6, 2011 in Kyiv. The couple also lives in Kyiv.

Nataliya Vasylivna owns only an apartment in Kyiv with an area of ​​81.4 m2. She bought a home on July 12, 2006. The cost was UAH 595,900.

Serhii Anatoliyovych owns 2 plots of land in the Kyiv region:

  • the first plot with an area of ​​0.06 m2. It is located in the village of Glevakha. Cost – UAH 240,000.
  • the second plot has an area of ​​0.1194 m2. It is also located in Glevas. Cost – 25,000 hryvnias.

The man is also building a house in the village of Glevakha. Housing area – 240 m2. Other details are not specified.

Only the husband owns the transport in the family. April 26, 2011 he purchased a 2010 SUBARU FORESTER. The cost is unknown. According to the website Auto.RIA as of today, such a car costs from $5,000:

In 2023, Natalia Vasylivna earned:

  • 91,550 hryvnias for the main job at LLC “Audit firm “TEO-Audit”;
  • UAH 81,600 at work at PPP Finance LLC;
  • UAH 53,017 at work from PPP Ukraine LLC
  • 10,261 hryvnias for another job at LLC “Audit firm “PPP Audit”;
  • 2,402,200 hryvnias as funds from business activities. She indicated herself as the source of income.

The woman also indicated the interest she received from Sens Bank – UAH 485 and UAH 651.

According to the Opendatabot website, the auditor is the director and owner of:

Now let’s learn more about these companies. LLC “PPP Finance” founded on June 18, 2021 in Kyiv. The main type of activity is the field of accounting and auditing services; tax consulting. The company has UAH 50,000 in authorized capital and two owners – Elena Anatoliivna Paripsa and Nataliya Vasylivna Parfenyuk. The last, by the way, is the head of the company.

Non-governmental organization “PO auditors, accountants and teachers of OKD” was also founded in Kyiv. Date of creation – March 4, 2020. It carries out the activities of professional public organizations. Owned by: Kateryna Oleksandrivna Redko, Ruslana Viliivna Kuzina, Mykhailo Ivanovich Batig, Kateryna Mykolaivna Ptulytska and Natalia Vasylivna Perfenyuk.

LLC “Audit Firm “TEO-Audit”” was founded on July 13, 2017 in Kyiv. The main type of activity is accounting and auditing, tax consulting. Authorized capital – UAH 24,000. The owners of the company are Iryna Oleksiivna Trukhanovska (2%), Olena Anatoliivna Paripsa (48%), Natalia Vasylivna Parfenyuk (50 %). The latter women are the ultimate beneficiaries. However, we found something interesting in the company’s financial statements:

However, is it possible to make a net profit in the red?

“ION-audit” LLC was registered on June 19, 2014 in Kyiv. Activity – the field of accounting and auditing, consulting on taxation issues. Authorized capital – UAH 45,000. Director and sole owner is Nataliya Vasylivna Perfenyuk. By the way, the auditor’s declaration for 2023 states that in this company the woman does not receive money for her position. Also, ION-audit owns corporate rights to two companies: LLC “PPP Ukraine” and LLC “Blockbuster – 1”.

Let’s go back to income. Natalya Vasylivna’s husband earned:

UAH 157,686 at work in the Vyshniv city hospital

UAH 1,403,084 as funds from entrepreneurial activities. He also indicated himself as the source of income.

He also indicated interest on funds in accounts in two banks. I received UAH 1,339 in Raiffeisen Bank, UAH 1,798 in Privatbank.
The couple has a lot of this. Nataliya Vasylivna declared for 2023:

$35,000 in cash;

EUR 50,000 in cash;

EUR 14,927 in an account at the Viennese bank ERSTE BANK;

UAH 142, UAH 4,710, UAH 15,832 and UAH 21,954 in an account in Privatbank;

UAH 23,649 in an account at Universal Bank;

UAH 55,432 in an account in Privatbank.

Serhii Anatoliyovych indicated:

$30,000 in cash;

UAH 2,000, UAH 4,176 and UAH 38,000 in an account in Privatbank;

UAH 6,645 and UAH 225,087 in the Raiffeisen Bank account;

According to the exchange rate on September 23, the total amount of the declared funds of the spouses is UAH 6,075,267.
Bank accounts
Nataliya Vasylivna has 2 accounts in Sens Bank, 1 in Privatbank and one more each in ERSTE BANK and Universal Bank.

Serhii Anatoliyovych opened 2 accounts in Privatbank and 2 accounts in Raiffeisen Bank.
We decided to compare the savings in the declaration for 2022 and 2023. So 2022 is:

2023 year:

As you can see, they have grown significantly.

Therefore, we are waiting for the conclusions of the NACP and the results of the inspection.

⚡⚡⚡ All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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