“Martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine will be extended for another 90 days. Verkhovna Rada may vote next week. Yaroslav Zheleznyak, People’s Deputy from “Golos” reported this in Telegram. “At the beginning of next week, we expect a vote on the extension of martial law and general mobilization for 90 days,” the parliamentarian said. Currently, martial law and general mobilization are in effect until the 8th”, — write on: ua.news
Martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine will be extended for another 90 days. Verkhovna Rada may vote next week.
Yaroslav Zheleznyak, People’s Deputy from “Golos” reported this in Telegram.
“At the beginning of next week, we expect a vote on the extension of martial law and general mobilization for 90 days,” the parliamentarian said.
Currently, martial law and general mobilization are in effect until February 8, and will be extended until May 9, 2025.
In order to continue martial law and general mobilization, the president must submit two draft laws to the parliament to approve his decrees. Most likely, this will happen on Monday, Zheleznyak noted.
Then the VRU Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence must approve the draft laws, and after that they will be submitted to the Council for a vote. To continue martial law and mobilization, the president must sign bills.
Earlier, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the parliament can set the date of elections in Ukraine only after the end of the hot phase of the war and the abolition of martial law.
Earlier, we wrote that President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the units of the Defense Forces, which continue to hold back the fierce assaults of the Russian invaders.
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