September 24, 2024
"Looks like a big mistake." Experts found out what could have led to the failed launch of the Russian Sarmat missile — Der Spiegel thumbnail

“Looks like a big mistake.” Experts found out what could have led to the failed launch of the Russian Sarmat missile — Der Spiegel

“Looks like a big mistake.” Experts found out what could have led to the failed launch of the Russian Sarmat missile — Der Spiegel September 24, 10:04 a.m. Share: Russia conducted an unsuccessful test of the RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (Photo: MeNMyRC / X) A recent test by the aggressor country of the Russian Federation of an intercontinental ballistic missile of the RS-28 Sarmat missile most likely ended in failure due to problems with the liquid-fuel engine, Spiegel reported on September 23. According to the publication, earthquake experts from”, — write on:

“Looks like a big mistake.” Experts found out what could have led to the failed launch of the Russian Sarmat missile — Der Spiegel

September 24, 10:04

Russia conducted an unsuccessful test of the intercontinental missile RS-28 Sarmat (Photo: MeNMyRC / X)

The recent test by the Russian aggressor country of the intercontinental ballistic missile RS-28 Sarmat most likely ended in failure due to problems with the liquid-fuel engine, Spiegel reports on September 23.

According to the publication, earthquake experts from the Norsar Institute (Norway) could not find confirmation of a strong explosion at the Plesetsk training ground. But expert George Barros from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) claims that the diameter of the tear after a failed launch has make at least 62 meters.

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The material says that Sarmat, with a mass of more than 200 tons, is 6 times heavier and twice as long (35 meters) than the American Minuteman III nuclear missiles.

When you’re trying out new systems, you should expect mistakes in the beginning. But in the case of Sarmat, it looks like a big mistake“,– declared journalists expert of the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISSLondon) Timothy Wright.

He also suggested that the problem with the Sarmat missile may consist of a liquid fuel engine – moreover difficulties with such technologiesmost likely, are observed throughout the Russian military-industrial complex complexes

As Markus Schiller, an expert in the missile industry and a lecturer at the Bundeswehr University of Munich, told reporters, the incident with the Sarmat missile once again demonstrates that “things are not going very well in the Russian military industry.”

Experts point out that the Pentagon uses solid fuel for both the Minuteman missiles and their planned successor, the Sentinel missiles, while the Russians use exclusively liquid fuel. Accordingly, rockets have to be refueled before launch — which in this case carries significant risks.

For example, in October 1960, during the refueling of the Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile R-16 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, at least 126 people died, including the commander of the USSR Missile Forces, Marshal Mitrofan Nedelin.

In addition, experts point out, out of five previous test flights, the Sarmat managed to successfully complete only one — in April 2022, shortly after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Then a rocket with a mock-up of a warhead set off from Plesetsk to the Kamchatka Peninsula — eventually flying about 5,000 kilometers.

The failed test of the Russian RS-28 Sarmat missile — what is known

September 22 OSINT analyst MeNMyRC reported that Russia conducted a test of its intercontinental missile RS-28 Sarmat at the Plesetsk range, which ended a complete failure” and published the corresponding photos.

According to the analyst, the missile exploded in the mine, leaving a huge crater and destroying the test site.

September 23 Analysts of the Institute for the Study of War(ISW) indicated that the failure of tests of the newest Russian Sarmat missile on the problems faced by Russian missile developers against the background of the war that the Kremlin has unleashed against Ukraine.

On the same day, Vladimir Putin’s press secretary Dmytro Peskov stated that the Kremlin does not have any information about the failed test of the RS-28 Sarmat missile.

Editor: Dmytro Vidomenko

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