September 26, 2024
In winter, occupied Mariupol will remain without heating thumbnail

In winter, occupied Mariupol will remain without heating

Central heating will not work in temporarily occupied Mariupol this winter. This was reported by the Center of National Resistance (CNS). It is noted that despite the reports of local collaborators that the heat networks are ready for the heating season by at least 60 percent, this does not correspond to reality. The “restored” boiler houses have not been restored at all, and the occupiers will not be able to put them into operation before the beginning of winter. “A similar situation”, — write on:

Central heating will not work in temporarily occupied Mariupol this winter.

This was reported by the Center of National Resistance (CNS).

It is noted that despite the reports of local collaborators that the heat networks are ready for the heating season by at least 60 percent, this does not correspond to reality. The “restored” boiler houses have not been restored at all, and the occupiers will not be able to put them into operation before the beginning of winter.

“The situation is similar in the destroyed temporarily occupied Volnovas. Such areas of the occupied territories of Donetsk region as Yasynuvatskyi and Novoazovskyi are not even worth talking about,” the report says.

As of September 19, 2024, 1,957 children are considered missing in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 575 children have died and another 1,609 have been injured.

Earlier we wrote that the occupation authorities continue to forcibly remove Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. This is done under the guise of “caring” for the sick and orphans.

We will also remind you that the Defense Council of the Kharkiv region is preparing to consider the expansion of the zone of forced evacuation of families with children from three communities of the Kupyan district.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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