September 20, 2024
In Ukraine, five regions were named as leaders in the registration of electric cars thumbnail

In Ukraine, five regions were named as leaders in the registration of electric cars

In August 2024, the largest number of electric vehicles (BEVs) were registered in Lviv region and Kyiv. The vast majority of cars were used. This is reported by Ukravtoprom. In August, more than 6,400 electric cars were added to the Ukrainian fleet. In Lviv region, 942 electric cars were registered (90% used), in Kyiv – 750 (61% used), and in Kyiv region – 465 (72% used). To the regions-leaders in the registration of electric vehicles as well”, — write on:

In August 2024, the largest number of electric vehicles (BEVs) were registered in Lviv region and Kyiv. The vast majority of cars were used. This is reported by Ukravtoprom.

In August, more than 6,400 electric cars were added to the Ukrainian fleet. 942 electric cars were registered in Lviv region (90% used), 750 in Kyiv (61% used), and 465 in Kyiv region (72% used).

Volyn region – 429 units (95% used) and Dnipropetrovsk region – 422 units (71% used) also made it to the leading regions in terms of registration of electric vehicles.

In terms of new cars, the BYD Song Plus was the most popular electric car on the markets of the capital and the Volyn region. Honda M-NV became the bestseller in the Lviv region. Volkswagen ID.4 was preferred in Kyiv region, and ZEEKR 001 in Dnipropetrovsk region.

In the segment of used cars imported from abroad, the most popular were: Tesla Model Y – in Kyiv, Kyiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions, Tesla Model 3 – in Lviv region and Nissan Leaf – in Volyn region.

Read also:

160,750 vehicles were imported to Ukraine in five months of 2024.

Last month, Ukrainians bought almost 1,200 passenger cars imported from China. This is one and a half times more than in April 2023.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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