September 30, 2024
In Ukraine, a number of regions were covered by a dust storm from Uzbekistan6, what is the situation in Kyiv thumbnail

In Ukraine, a number of regions were covered by a dust storm from Uzbekistan6, what is the situation in Kyiv

In various regions of Ukraine, deterioration of air quality and accumulation of dirt and dust are currently recorded. These dust flows come from Uzbekistan. This is reported by the Windy service. In Kharkiv region and Dnipropetrovsk region, local residents complain about the heaviness of the air, smog, cars there are covered in yellow dust. In Sumy Oblast, a serious deterioration of air quality was also recorded, but the cause was not a dust storm, but”, — write on:

In various regions of Ukraine, deterioration of air quality and accumulation of dirt and dust are currently recorded. These dust flows come from Uzbekistan.

This is reported by the Windy service.

In Kharkiv region and Dnipropetrovsk region, local residents complain about the heaviness of the air, smog, cars there are covered in yellow dust.

A serious deterioration of air quality was also recorded in the Sumy Oblast, but the cause was not a dust storm, but the “throwing” of dust and smog from the territory of the Russian Federation by an atmospheric vortex due to forest fires.

“Serious deterioration of air quality in the eastern and northeastern regions of Ukraine due to the atmospheric whirlwind of dust and smog from the territory of Russia. If the dust came from the Caspian Sea, then the smog is directly theirs. There are now large-scale forest fires. All this mixture of dust and smog attracted the southeast wind,” Sumy hydrometeorological center writes.

In addition, the Sumy Hydrometeorological Center reported that the highest concentration of particles in the air is currently recorded in Sumy Oblast, Poltava Oblast, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, and Mykolaiv Oblast.

“It is better to limit being outside and close the windows,” the Hydrometeorological Center advised.

According to the “Kyiv Digital” portal, as of 10:00 a.m. on September 30, the air in the capital was clean and did not harm health.

It is worth noting that, in addition to Ukraine, the dust cloud from Uzbekistan also covered a number of countries in the south, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

The Ukrainian hydrometeorological center reports that the situation will persist until Friday.

“Dust will reach us in waves, improvements will alternate with deterioration of visibility and air quality,” the post reads.

Pollution from a dust storm is recorded:

  • In Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, Luhansk regions.
  • A small number is observed in Cherkasy and Kirovohrad regions.

Air flows with dust will reach the Kyiv region and the capital already on October 1 and 2, but its quantity will be smaller.

However, air quality in Kyiv Oblast, Sumy Oblast, and Chernihiv Oblast will also deteriorate as a result of the movement of carbon monoxide with smog spreading from outside Ukraine from the northeast on October 1.

We wrote that air quality has worsened in two regions of Ukraine. The reason was dust and smog that came to us from Russia.

We will remind that on September 20, a significant deterioration of the air condition was recorded in the Ukrainian capital.

Initially, Kyiv was in second place in the world ranking of air pollution with an index of 162 AQI, but later moved even to the first position.

The air in Kyiv is saturated with a significant amount of dust, soot and smoke due to the burning of peatlands on the outskirts of the capital and the autumn temperature drop.

The reason for the smoky air in Kyiv was fires in a number of regions of the country in combination with a change in the direction of the wind. If there are no fires, the smoke will recede from the capital in the coming days.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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