September 24, 2024
In Transcarpathia, a lieutenant colonel was detained who demanded a bribe for serving in the rear thumbnail

In Transcarpathia, a lieutenant colonel was detained who demanded a bribe for serving in the rear

The law enforcement officer was informed about the suspicion of the battalion commander and his accomplice – a soldier of one of the military units. They organized the collection of money from the military, who wish to remain and serve in the rear. According to the Office of the Prosecutor General, the lieutenant colonel is charged with the fact of receiving an illegal benefit by an official and providing an illegal benefit to an official (Part 3 of Article 368, Part 3 of Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)”, — write on:

The law enforcement officer was informed about the suspicion of the battalion commander and his accomplice – a soldier of one of the military units. They organized the collection of money from military personnel who wish to remain and serve in the rear.

According to the Office of the Prosecutor General, the lieutenant colonel is charged with the fact of receiving an illegal benefit by an official and providing an illegal benefit to an official (Part 3 of Article 368, Part 3 of Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), and his subordinate is charged with aiding in the receipt of an illegal benefit by an official (Part 5 Art. 27 – Part 3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, for $1,300 the battalion commander, who engaged the soldier as an intermediary, had to ensure the inclusion of another subordinate in the list of servicemen who remain for further service in Transcarpathia in the rear.

To realize these intentions, the lieutenant colonel tried to bribe the top management – he offered 5,000 US dollars for several soldiers.

The middleman soldier was exposed after receiving the second tranche of $800 in ill-gotten gains, and his supervisor during the transfer of $5,000 in bribes. Both suspects were detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the CPC of Ukraine.

Currently, the court has chosen preventive measures for them in the form of detention with the right to post bail. You are being checked for involvement in the corruption scheme of other persons.

Earlier, SAP and NABU exposed the prosecutors of the department of the General Prosecutor’s Office for receiving an illegal benefit in the amount of $170,000, and one of them was detained.

The Security Service and the DBI, together with the Prosecutor General’s Office, exposed the prosecutor of the Left Bank District Prosecutor’s Office of Dnipro for corruption. He demanded a bribe from a local resident for help in closing the case.

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