“In the Rivne region, in the village of Barmaki, law enforcement officers exposed a transit warehouse with cigarette counterfeits, which were produced at the illegal tobacco factory “Hoshcha”. It is officially called Ukrainian Tobacco Production LLC. About it reports in Telegram journalist Yevgen Plinsky. The warehouse stored more than a thousand boxes with fake cigarettes of famous brands: Rothmans, Winston, Kent. Also found and “branded” cigarettes “Hoshcha” –”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
In the Rivne region, in the village of Barmaki, law enforcement officers exposed a transit warehouse with cigarette counterfeits, which were produced at the illegal tobacco factory “Hoshcha”. It is officially called Ukrainian Tobacco Production LLC.
About it reports in Telegram journalist Yevgen Plinsky.
The warehouse stored more than a thousand boxes with fake cigarettes of famous brands: Rothmans, Winston, Kent. Also found “branded” cigarettes “Goschi” – Mustang, everyone had a fake excise duty stamp.
“Today, the factory has been divided into small elements that continue to work in different corners of the country and produce counterfeit cigarettes. One of these industries is located directly near Kiev, in the village of Sinyak, Kyiv region. Just yesterday in this village, law enforcement officers found one of the lines that previously worked in Goscha, as well as a large amount of both finished products and raw materials, ”the journalist said.
He was mostly produced by L&M and Marlboro, he added.
In 2024, the State Budget did not receive UAH 3.5 billion in taxes.
According to the tax, given by the Institute of Socio-Economic Transformation, LLC “Ukrainian Tobacco Production” in 2024 ordered 659 tons of tobacco, which allowed to produce more than 1 billion cigarettes, but the company paid less than 20 million UAH of taxes.
The factory in Hoshcha is part of the top 3 of illegal manufacturers of fake cigarettes and to the Monaco group, which is associated with Vladislav Helsin, expert of the Donetsk tobacco factory “Hamadei”.
In February 2024, at the border with Romania, gas trucks with smuggled cigarettes Marlboro were detained for 4.5 million UAH, which were made at a tobacco factory in Goscha. The case became resonant and attracted the attention of G7 and US special representatives.
According to the latest study Kantar Ukraine for December 2024, LLC “Ukrainian Tobacco Production” occupies a 15% of the illegal market in Goscha, although last year this enterprise deprived licenses.
Earlier, detectives of the Detectives of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine together with the employees of the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police exposed illegal production of cigarettes in Chernivtsi region.
Detectives of the Bureau of Economic Security (Bab), together with the SBU, exposed the supply channel from Turkey fake excise tax stamps.
Also we will remind that law enforcement officers seized almost 14.4 million packs of counterfeit cigarettes. Only of them, more than UAH 706 million of taxes were not received to the budget.