“During the All -Ukrainian Special Operation on Overlapping of Channels Illegal Sales and Storage of Weapons, 19 searches took place on the Right Bank of the Kherson region. On January 27, the Kherson region police reported on Facebook. Law enforcement officers seized weapons of various kinds, including firearms, ammunition, explosives, money, criminal receipt, narcotic substances. “Among the seized: three units of firearms, two grenade launchers, 15”, – Write On: ua.news
During the All -Ukrainian Special Operation on Overlapping of Channels Illegal Sales and Storage of Weapons, 19 searches took place on the Right Bank of the Kherson region.
On January 27, the Kherson region police reported on Facebook.
Law enforcement officers seized weapons of various kinds, including firearms, ammunition, explosives, money, criminal receipt, narcotic substances.
“Among the seized: three units of firearms, two grenade launchers, 15 grenades, 4585 rounds of different caliber, almost 26 kg of explosives, four other ammunition to different weapons systems,” the post reads.
Two men were detained. For illegal handling of weapons and ammunition, they threaten up to seven years in prison.
Earlier in Sumy region, during operational measures, DBR employees found a shrona of ammunition, equipped with military Russian military near the border. Almost forty anti -tank mines, 10 homemade explosive devices were stored there.
In the Chernihiv region, border guards and police officers found in a non -residential building in one of the village of Czron with ammunition. Suitable ammunition will be transferred to the defense forces, and unusable will be destroyed.
And the SBU military counterintelligence has established the location of two other hidden arsenals of weapons and ammunition in frontline areas in the south and east of Ukraine.
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