“The online marriage service has been restored in the Diya application. Deputy Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science and Technologies – Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov announced this in Telegram. “Only in Ukraine can you go through the full cycle of marriage – from submitting an application, marriage online to a certificate in the application. You don’t need to go anywhere, collect documents, put them in a file to”, — write on: ua.news
Deputy Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science and Technologies – Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov announced this in Telegram.
“Only in Ukraine can you go through the full cycle of marriage – from submitting an application, marriage online to a certificate in the application. You don’t need to go anywhere, collect documents, put them in a file to become husband and wife. The revolutionary service is again available in “Diya”, Fedorov noted.
If the wedding was scheduled for a time when the service was unavailable, the app team will contact users and explain the next steps, he said.
“I also remind you about a creative way of authentication. Make a proposal to your significant other in the application. Receive a digital “Yes” and share the joyful event on social networks. We also took care of your beautiful stories when we created the service. Fewer words – more love. Make proposals and plan a marriage in “Dia”, Fedorov added.
We will remind you that within three months after the launch of the “Marriage online” service, 1,170 couples used the “Diya” application.