“Danylo Hetmantsev is trying with all his might to create a positive image for his leadership of the tax office. Telegram channel “Don Quixote” writes about this. “We ask law enforcement officers and the new management of the service to pay attention to such enterprises. The fact is that this group, with the direct participation of Danylo Hetmantsev, Sokur and Grechana, reimbursed 900 million. inflated VAT in 2024. Another 200 million confirmed and”, — write on: ua.news
Danylo Hetmantsev is trying with all his might to create a positive image for his leadership of the tax office.
Telegram channel “Don Quixote” writes about this.
“We ask law enforcement officers and the new management of the service to pay attention to such enterprises. The fact is that this group, with the direct participation of Danylo Hetmantsev, Sokur and Grechana, reimbursed 900 million. inflated VAT in 2024. Another 200 million confirmed and awaiting reimbursement. The command to “find a compromise” was given personally by Hetmantsev. A kickback of 30% was applied to him as well. Reimbursement of the “Hrabova Ukraina” LLC group Well, now it’s going to rain, ochkarik! We still have so many of your pencil friends.”
In 2024, the State Tax Service conducted 16,119 in-room inspections of FOPs working with excise goods. As a result, fines of UAH 9.5 million were assessed, and according to actual checks, fines of UAH 132.2 million were issued.
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