September 19, 2024
EU Ambassador: Combating corruption is a key point of joining the EU thumbnail

EU Ambassador: Combating corruption is a key point of joining the EU

The fight against corruption is not only on the agenda of Ukraine. Our country has already done a lot in this area, but there is still a lot of work ahead. This was announced by the EU ambassador to Ukraine, Katarina Maternova, during the conference “Ukraine on the way to the OECD and accession to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery.” “A year ago, we launched a new stage of the supremacy support project”, — write on:

The fight against corruption is not only on the agenda of Ukraine. Our country has already done a lot in this area, but there is still a lot of work ahead.

This was announced by the EU ambassador to Ukraine, Katarina Maternova, during the conference “Ukraine on the way to the OECD and accession to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery.”

“A year ago, we launched a new phase of the project to support the rule of law and fight against corruption with our French partners, as well as the EU anti-corruption initiative led by Denmark. Much has been done, but it is necessary to continue. Reforms must be strengthened. The path of accession to the EU is also a strengthening factor for carrying out reforms. Reforms, by their very nature, are never linear. There is always a step forward, a step aside, a new beginning. It is the nature of complex forms that must be continued. But a lot has already been achieved. All Western allies are trying very hard to support Ukraine on this path. As I have already mentioned: combating corruption is a key point of joining the EU. We are looking at the possibility of the EU candidate country to adhere to the rule of law, the criteria of the rule of law, fight corruption, bribery, and terrorism. All these complex topics are united. Many EU candidates have faced and struggled with such problems at one time. These are the areas that should be opened first and closed last in our negotiations. These topics will go through all stages of accession negotiations,” said the EU Ambassador to Ukraine Katarina Maternova.

We would like to remind you that on September 16, Kyiv hosted the conference “Ukraine on the way to the OECD and joining the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention”, which brought together our partners in this matter.

In her welcoming speech, the US ambassador to our country, Bridget Brink, reminded why Ukraine needs to fight corruption.

Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine – Minister of Justice Olha Stefanishyna noted that relevant draft laws for joining the OECD Convention will be considered by the end of the year.

NABU became one of the main platforms where legislative changes necessary for joining the Convention of the Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD) on combating bribery were discussed.

Oleksandr Banchuk, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine and a member of the working group on accession to the Convention of the Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD) on the fight against bribery, revealed the details of the necessary draft law.

Chris Baysorski, acting head of the working group of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, said that Ukraine submitted an official application to join the organization’s Convention two years ago. In his opinion, when working with the implementation of this plan in Ukraine, such experience was gained that can be applied in other countries.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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