“Every US president leaves a trace in history: sometimes majestic, shameful, sometimes almost imperceptible. But Donald Trump has changed the very nature of American politics, and this heritage will be clearly remembered for a very long time. It always causes sharp and contradictory emotions: some consider it the destroyer of established traditions, others – a symbol of America’s return to its true interests. But the main thing”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
Every US president leaves a trace in history: sometimes majestic, shameful, sometimes almost imperceptible. But Donald Trump has changed the very nature of American politics, and this heritage will clearly be remembered for a very long time.
His figure always evokes sharp and contradictory emotions: some consider him the destroyer of established traditions, others – a symbol of the return of America to her true interests. But the main question remains open: Trump is a temporary failure in the system or a natural result of its evolution?
Many people perceive this policy as an anomaly: a person without diplomatic sophistication, with straightforward judgments, not always adequate to reality, daring style of communication and unusual for the politician frankness. He does not play classical rules and does not pay attention to many years of political traditions.
But if you look wider, its coming to power is quite logical. Trump reflects the mood of the America that is tired of globalism, from war on foreign fronts and from the political elite, which has determined the country’s course for decades. It is this America, who wants to return to isolationism, seeks rigid national selfishness and is ready to neglect moral obligations, and votes for Trump. And it is with this America that Ukraine will have to deal with the coming years.
So what is Trump’s phenomenon: anomaly or evolution? How to work with such the United States? UA.news political observer Nikita Trachuk Together with the experts he dealt with the question.
America Trump: what is she
If we consider Trump as a political phenomenon, it should be noted that his support is not simply based on his personal qualities – although the President’s personality plays a huge role. It is an expression of the interests of a large part of Americans who feel that their voices have not been heard before.
It is a working class that loses jobs through globalization, middle class, indignant with tax pressure, conservative Christians, dissatisfied with left -liberal changes in society, etc. These voters do not see that America continues to spend huge funds to support other countries. They are convinced that the US should focus on internal problems – from the economy and creating jobs to immigration policy and drugs.
That is why Trump is pursuing a policy built on a “transactional” relationship: you want help – give something in return. Only so, and in no other way, the question is only benefits, not alliances and assistance, as it was once.
The current US leader does not believe in the “brotherhood of peoples” or in some “common values”, or even more so “the historical mission of America as the leader of the free world.” He thinks of categories of business, profit, specific “profute”.
His America should be the leader – Ajag. But it will not sacrifice for the sake of the Allies, unless it brings a clear benefit at the moment. And this position has always been with Trump.
For Ukraine, this means one thing: the old order, where the US has automatically supported us in confrontation with Russia, no longer works. The sooner we understand it, the better.
America Trump does not see the benefits of conflict with the Russian Federation. Moreover, it does not understand what benefit can Ukraine when the war continues in its territory (it is difficult to disagree with Trump here).
Why Ukraine lost the trust of Washington
Since the full -scale invasion of Russians in 2022, Ukraine received considerable assistance from the United States. For a long time it was seen as an outpost of democracy, which resists the authoritarian threat from Russia. But with the arrival of Trump, the situation has changed.
In Washington’s eyes, Ukraine did not live up to expectations. Corruption scandals, unfinished reforms, political instability, billions of dollars that disappear “nowhere” – all this feeds on the arguments of those who consider us an unreliable and disadvantaged partner.
Trump has repeatedly said that Kiev is not a success story, but rather a “black hole” where American money disappears. For him, Ukraine is a country that needs resources, but does not offer anything.
Its political logic is simple: the US has already spent enough on Ukraine, and now they want specific results. There are no results? Well, let’s turn the bench and put up.
It is important to understand that Trump America is not prone to emotional support. Moreover, she is an antagonist of any pathetic feelings. It is not interested in historical arguments or ideological appeals. She does not believe in debt to democracy – and in democracy, it seems that the US president also does not believe it.
New America needs a result. That is, either the benefit or the cessation of support.
How Ukraine to work with Trump
Ukraine is in a situation where its survival depends on the right approach to the US administration. And here the main rule: Trump must be given what he wants.
Firstly, Trump seeks victories. He always speaks of himself as a person who does not lose. If we can submit a possible end of the war as his personal diplomatic triumph, it can be a significant argument in our favor.
He does not want a stretched war that depletes US resources. If Kiev proposes a peace plan that will allow Trump to say that it has stopped the conflict, it can radically change his attitude to us.
Second, The US wants economic dividends. No $ 350 billion Kiev will return – especially since this figure does not exist anywhere except for the President of the US.
However, we have to offer Washington real benefits: energy projects, favorable contracts for US companies, strengthening economic cooperation, full discovery of markets, minerals, and finally. If Trump sees a specific profit, it will be more prone to Ukraine’s support.
Thirdly, Ukraine needs to work with the Republicans as much as possible, not with the Democrats whom Trump hates. In the political reality, the United States has a clear division into two parties, and the Republicans have been more skeptical in recent years in recent years. We need to change this situation, to establish wonderful links with key players of the Republican Party, to explain to them that cooperation with Ukraine may be profitable for them.
Expert opinions
Trump is definitely not an anomaly, says political scientist, director of the Ukrainian Institute of Policy Ruslan Bortnik. In his opinion, if it were an anomaly, then Trump would not vote twice, and maybe even three times.
“If Trump were an anomaly, he would hardly be able to run and win in the 2016 and 2024 presidential elections. Three times he thinks. Trump, on the contrary, is absolutely ordinary, natural, natural process and reaction of traditional American society that America, from their point of view, has not moved in the right direction in the last hands. The fact that America was used as an engine for liberal globalization around the world, that huge US resources were spent on left -liberal globalization, on various humanitarian and technological issues related to climate change and ending with an effort to establish a single political system.
All these funds were spent, and at the same time in the United States remained a huge number of unresolved internal problems associated with poverty, poor education, poor medicine, inaccessibility or complex availability of housing related to migration and with a lot of issues that simply destroyed the US from the inside, ”Bortnik explains.
The expert says that the United States is reminiscent of a kind of athlete in recent decades, which of the last forces, the cost of health and even life has tried to push the “globalistic barbell.” Of course, this order of things does not suit the traditional conservative voters of America.
“Trump believes that US resources should be directed to solve internal issues, to build a” hail of shining on a hill “instead of a” global village. ” And this social request is headed by Trump, who was chosen three times President – well, twice officially, and perhaps even three times, if you mention 2020.
That is why Trump’s effort to wait is an effort not to wait for a storm that will pass quickly. It is an effort to wait for the winter that can last a very long time. In addition, after decades of globalization in the world, there is a right -wing political revolution, a right -wing political revenge. When the world is tired and less and less shares the values of universalization, unification, but more inclined not to build a melting boiler, but an international cooperation on a bilateral base, on the basis of mutual respect, ”Bortnik notes.
The political scientist says that the battle between left liberals and right conservatives can last for a long time, and we do not understand the consequences of it. Try to just wait for it – wrong and just naively. It is necessary to adapt to new realities and get used to working in new conditions, summarized Ruslan Bortnik.
The political scientist, the head of the Institute of World Policy is also similar to the Eugene Magda. He believes that the election of Donald Trump is a logical consequence of those events that have developed in the United States recently.
“Because he has not just become president for the second time. He won the election against the background that it was a third campaign, when they competed in the finals, say, so, candidates of good age. And this indicates that there is no flow of “fresh blood” in the American politicum.
In 2016, Trump was a “fresh blood” when he politically gave the entire republican establishment. And now we see how such a “fresh blood” became Trump and Maga. That is, there is a radicalization of American society, the polarity between radically right and extreme left. It seems that Americans simply do not know their state’s mission, they do not realize what they should become, they do not see the need that there is today, ”the political scientist says.
In this context, according to Magda, Ukraine should observe how the United States is changing. Kyiv has to respond to this in the most appropriate way. And to understand that no one will ever cancel the election in the US.
“That is, American democracy is now experiencing a period of considerable turbulence. We have to take into account and act appropriately and understand, ”Yevgen Magda summarized.
The conclusions can be said: Trump is not eternity, but not accidental. He is not just an anomaly in American politics. It is a product of change that has taken place in the United States over the last decades. His coming to power is a reaction of society to the crisis of traditional American globalism.
Ukraine will have to work with New America – pragmatic, rigid, who does not believe in “eternal allies”. It requires a new diplomatic strategy, new approaches and willingness to act, not just wait for help.
Trump used to win. He builds his policy so that he always gets the winner. If we want to maintain US support, we need to make Ukraine not a problem for it, but a chance to win another political victory. If we cannot do this – we will just leave us overboard, which, in fact, is already partially happening.
Nikita Trachuk