September 23, 2024
Denmark has allocated funds for the restoration of Ukraine's energy sector thumbnail

Denmark has allocated funds for the restoration of Ukraine’s energy sector

The Danish government has allocated 130 million Danish kroner (over 16 million euros) to support Ukraine’s energy system, as reported by the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities. This decision was made in the context of preparations for the heating season against the background of Russia’s constant attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. The new contribution will be one of the largest from Denmark and will contribute to strengthening”, — write on:

The Danish government has allocated 130 million Danish kroner (over 16 million euros) to support Ukraine’s energy system, as reported by the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities.

This decision was made in the context of preparations for the heating season against the background of Russia’s constant attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

The new contribution will be one of the largest from Denmark and will contribute to strengthening Ukraine’s energy sustainability. The funds will be used to implement urgent measures, purchase equipment and spare parts to ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity and heat to Ukrainians.

Earlier we wrote that the coordination committee of the partnership approved the fourth and fifth aid packages from Denmark for 44 million euros for the Mykolaiv region.

We will also remind you that the Ministry of Defense received funds from Denmark for the production of the “Bohdan” ACS. 40.7 million euros allocated from the aid package are already in the accounts of the ministry.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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