September 23, 2024
"Busification" has become less - the head of the Odessa TCC thumbnail

“Busification” has become less – the head of the Odessa TCC

Yuriy Puiko, head of the Odesa Regional Territorial Center for Staffing and Social Support (TCC and SP), said that the number of cases of forced delivery of men to military commissariats in Odesa region has decreased significantly. He told about this in an interview with the Ukrainian Witness media project. Puyko noted that the situation with improving the work of picking centers has a positive effect on the reduction of cases of so-called busification. However, such”, — write on:

Yuriy Puiko, head of the Odesa Regional Territorial Center for Staffing and Social Support (TCC and SP), said that the number of cases of forced delivery of men to military commissariats in Odesa region has decreased significantly.

He told about this in an interview with the Ukrainian Witness media project.

Puyko noted that the situation with improving the work of picking centers has a positive effect on the reduction of cases of so-called busification. However, such phenomena still exist, and he explains this by several factors.

In particular, Puyko believes that certain Telegram channels manipulate information about such cases for the benefit of the enemy. At the same time, he emphasized that the military, who are detaining men, are acting within their powers.

Another reason, according to him, is the feeling of injustice among TCC workers who have returned from the front. He also added that some men deliberately provoke conflicts, which are then recorded on video and used for disinformation.

Puiko emphasized that such provocations can be deliberate and aimed at playing along with the enemy.

Earlier we wrote that the Ministry of Defense tripled the mobilization indicators. In addition, there will soon be a reform of territorial picking centers.

We will also remind you that on September 23, Ukraine officially stopped conscription into the army of those with limited fitness from 18 to 25 years of age. Conscription of such citizens is possible only with written consent.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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