September 20, 2024
An Estonian company will produce weapons against drones in Ukraine thumbnail

An Estonian company will produce weapons against drones in Ukraine

The Estonian defense company Frankenburg Technologies announced that it will start production of anti-drone missile systems in Ukraine. This is reported by Bloomberg. As the publication notes, the statement of the Frankenburg Technologies company is a sign of the interest of European arms manufacturers in opening production facilities on Ukrainian soil. Frankenburg Technologies was founded only in January 2024 with the participation of leading figures in the defense and technology industries”, — write on:

The Estonian defense company Frankenburg Technologies announced that it will start production of anti-drone missile systems in Ukraine.

This is reported by Bloomberg.

As the publication notes, the statement of the Frankenburg Technologies company is a sign of the interest of European arms manufacturers in opening production facilities on Ukrainian soil.

The company Frankenburg Technologies was established only in January 2024 with the participation of leading figures of the defense and technological industry of Estonia.

The company is advised by ex-commander of the Estonian Defense Forces, Estonian General Martin Gerem, and Milrem Robotics CEO Kuldar Vaarssi has joined as a strategic investor.

The company was co-founded by Taavi Madiberk, CEO of Estonian supercapacitor maker Skeleton Technologies, which has investments in Germany and France and a technology partnership with Siemens.

According to company documents, Margus Linnamäe, one of the richest businessmen in Estonia, is associated with Frankenburg Technologies.

The company appointed Serhii Koshman, who previously worked as an expert at the Office of the President of Ukraine and Nokia Siemens Networks, as the CEO in Ukraine.

In May, a new General Dynamics weapons plant was opened in the city of Mesquite (Texas) in the USA, which will produce 155 mm artillery shells.

And Norway granted Ukraine a license for the production of 155 mm shells and agreed to finance this process.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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