September 20, 2024
Almost 900 medical facilities damaged by enemy shelling have been restored in Ukraine thumbnail

Almost 900 medical facilities damaged by enemy shelling have been restored in Ukraine

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for more than 30 months. During this time, the Russian Federation damaged and destroyed almost 1,700 Ukrainian medical institutions, but about half have already been restored. This is reported on the website of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. According to information from the Ministry of Health, over two years of full-scale war, 1,657 medical facilities were damaged as a result of enemy attacks on Ukraine. Of them, 221 objects”, — write on:

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for more than 30 months. During this time, the Russian Federation damaged and destroyed almost 1,700 Ukrainian medical institutions, but about half have already been restored.

This is reported on the website of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

According to information from the Ministry of Health, over two years of full-scale war, 1,657 medical facilities were damaged as a result of enemy attacks on Ukraine. Of them, 221 objects were completely destroyed, that is, they cannot be restored.

The largest losses of health care facilities were recorded in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions. As for the temporarily occupied territories, it is currently impossible to obtain information on the degree of destruction of hospitals, the Ministry of Health noted.

In addition, Ukraine has losses in emergency medical vehicles. In particular, the Russian occupiers destroyed 221 cars, damaged 202 and seized 125.

The Ministry of Health informed that despite the systemic circumstances and the burden on the health care system of Ukraine, restoration work has been ongoing since the first months of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation.

Thus, for more than two years, 886 medical facilities were completely or partially restored in different regions of Ukraine. Of them, 533 were fully restored, and 353 – partially.

We are talking about medical facilities in the de-occupied territories, as well as those that received minor damage, such as: broken windows, destroyed roofs, damaged facade, etc.

“The largest number of facilities have been restored in the Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Kharkiv and Chernihiv regions,” added the Ministry of Health.

We will remind you that the Ministry of Health has approved the staff of the Council for the Restoration of the National Children’s Specialized Hospital “Okhmatdit” consisting of 15 representatives.

Recently, the general director of the “Okhmatdyt” children’s hospital, Volodymyr Zhovnir, was suspended from his duties. The reason was the scandal with the restoration of the hospital after the missile strike.

A new acting general director was appointed to the “Okhmatdyt” children’s hospital. Oleksandr Urin became the head of the department of intensive and efferent therapy of acute intoxications.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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