“The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading the bill on amendments to Article 94 of the Law on National Police on updating the amount of money for police. In case of its final acceptance and signing by the President, law enforcement officers can count on a salary not lower than 30 280 UAH. About it reports “Forensic law newspaper”. It is about the bill 6506-1 that has been registered in”, – WRITE ON: ua.news
The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading the bill on amendments to Article 94 of the Law on National Police on updating the amount of money for police. In case of its final acceptance and signing by the President, law enforcement officers can count on a salary not lower than 30 280 UAH.
About it reports “Forensic law newspaper”.
It is a bill 6506-1, which was registered in January 2022, and since then it has been dust in parliament.
Subsequently, bills were introduced to the Verkhovna Rada to increase the money of police (6506 and alternative). However, none of them was passed as a law.
On March 12, the draft law provides for amendment to Article 94 of the National Police Law, which regulates the financial support of police.
As stated in the project, the financial support of police officers should provide sufficient material conditions for their proper performance of their duties, taking into account the nature, intensity and danger of work, to ensure the selection of qualified personnel, to stimulate the achievement of high results in employment, to compensate for physical and intellectual.
It is proposed to establish that police receive cash, the size of which is determined depending on the position, the special rank, the service life in the police, intensity and conditions of service, qualification, availability of scientific degree and/or the academic title.
Money Support of Police consists of:
- job salary;
- surcharges for special rank;
- service allowances;
- surcharges for work that provides access to state secrets;
- surcharges for a degree and/or academic title;
- premiums (the amount of which may not exceed 30 percent of the salary in case of its installation).
The special conditions and amounts of cash support of police are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers.
The salary of police may not be less than 10 subsistence levels for able -bodied persons set for January 1 of the calendar year, except for cadets (students) of higher education institutions with specific training conditions that carry out training of police.