“Two minor boys and a 17-year-old boy were returned from the temporarily occupied territories as part of the Bring Kids Back UA initiative. Andriy Yermak, the head of the President’s Office, reported this in Telegram. “The young mother, who was forced to leave Ukraine because of the war, lived apart from her young sons for a long time, unable to take them from TOT on her own. Thanks to”, — write on: ua.news
Two minor boys and a 17-year-old boy were returned from the temporarily occupied territories as part of the Bring Kids Back UA initiative.
Andriy Yermak, the head of the President’s Office, reported this in Telegram.
“The young mother, who was forced to leave Ukraine because of the war, lived apart from her young sons for a long time, unable to take them from TOT on her own. Thanks to the efforts of the rescue mission, the family was reunited, and now the children are safe,” Yermak said.
According to him, the 17-year-old boy was subjected to persecution, numerous interrogations and threats because of his pro-Ukrainian position and assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He is currently safe, receiving the necessary support and preparing to study at a Ukrainian educational institution.
As Human Rights Commissioner Dmytro Lubinets reported in Telegram, the story of the 17-year-old boy became a symbol of courage.
“He supported Ukraine in the occupied territory. Because of this, he was persecuted by representatives of the occupation authorities: interrogations, threats, and intimidation became commonplace for the boy. However, neither fear nor pressure broke his spirit. In the end, he turned to us and now he is safe, receiving humanitarian and material support, as well as help in completing documents. A new stage of life is waiting for him — studying in a free, independent Ukraine,” Lubinets said.
He called on parents, in the event of a child’s disappearance, to report this fact to the National Police of Ukraine at number 102.
“If you are convinced that the child has been deported to the Russian Federation or is in a detention center, then in addition to the police, you should also inform us – the Office of the Ombudsman,” Lubinets added.
Prior to that, five more Ukrainian children and their families were returned to the controlled territory of Ukraine. The return took place within the framework of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s Bring Kids Back UA initiative.
As a reminder, Ukraine managed to return 1,029 Ukrainian children from Russia.
We previously wrote that two families with three children were returned from the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region.
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