“President Volodymyr Zelensky posted a new video of a conversation with a captured North Korean soldier. Zelensky posted the video in his Telegram. On it, a North Korean is asked when he was captured by the Armed Forces. To which the man replies that he does not remember. According to him, he remembers only that there was a fight in which he was left by his comrades and several of them”, — write on: ua.news
President Volodymyr Zelensky posted a new video of a conversation with a captured North Korean soldier.
Zelensky posted the video in his Telegram. On it, a North Korean is asked when he was captured by the Armed Forces. To which the man replies that he does not remember. According to him, he only remembers that there was a battle in which his comrades left him and he was alone for several days.
https://cdn.ua.news/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/1401_Dopit_W.mp4“I was wounded, and after the battle there was a retreat. Since I was wounded, I could not move. And I was alone for about 3-5 days. Then Ukrainian troops found me,” he says.
According to the prisoner, he was issued documents in the Russian Federation, but they did not have his name on them and there was no photo. He also said that in Russia they were taught how to capture Ukrainian prisoners.
It will be recalled that Ukrainian soldiers captured two soldiers from North Korea in Kurshchyna.
Employees of the Ukrainian special services interrogated prisoners captured by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kurshchyna. One of them says that he does not mind staying in Ukraine.
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