September 23, 2024
A law banning Russian churches has come into effect in Ukraine thumbnail

A law banning Russian churches has come into effect in Ukraine

On September 23, the Law on Prohibition of Activities of Religious Organizations Associated with Russia in Ukraine entered into force. As Interfax-Ukraine writes, the Law “On the Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Field of Activities of Religious Organizations” was adopted on August 20, 2024, and it enters into force 30 days after its publication, namely on Monday, September 23. At the same time, several provisions”, — write on:

On September 23, the Law on Prohibition of Activities of Religious Organizations Associated with Russia in Ukraine entered into force.

As Interfax-Ukraine writes, the Law “On the Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Field of Activities of Religious Organizations” was adopted on August 20, 2024, and it enters into force 30 days after its publication, namely on Monday, September 23.

At the same time, several provisions of the document enter into force later.

In particular, the day after the publication, the Cabinet of Ministers begins the preparation of by-laws, and in nine months, a provision of the draft law enters into force, which allows the State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience to apply to the court for the termination of the activities of a religious organization, if the service has established a its connection with the Russian Orthodox Church of the aggressor country.

In addition, within three months from the date of promulgation of this law, the government must take measures to return state property from the use of a foreign religious organization, the activity of which is prohibited in Ukraine, and religious organizations whose activity is not allowed, as well as take measures to return state property within six months for the use of legal entities, the owner of which is a foreign religious organization whose activity is prohibited in the country.

We will remind that 265 parliamentarians voted for banning the Moscow Church in Ukraine. There were 29 people against, four abstained.

On Ukraine’s Independence Day, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi signed a law banning the activities of religious organizations associated with the Russian Federation in our country. In this way, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Party Artakh came under the ban.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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