“Law enforcement officers exposed a resident of Kyiv who was engaged in drug trafficking. He sold drugs in Ukraine and Europe. This is reported by the National Police. The drug business was created by a 25-year-old resident of Kyiv. The man sold prohibited substances through Telegram channels. The person involved also established a supply channel for psychotropic drugs, amphetamine and alpha-PVP to European countries and the occupied territories of Ukraine. He disguised the drugs in household appliances. Customers paid for”, — write on: ua.news
Law enforcement officers exposed a resident of Kyiv who was engaged in drug trafficking. He sold drugs in Ukraine and Europe.
This is reported by the National Police.
The drug business was created by a 25-year-old resident of Kyiv. The man sold prohibited substances through Telegram channels. The person involved also established a supply channel for psychotropic drugs, amphetamine and alpha-PVP to European countries and the occupied territories of Ukraine. He disguised the drugs in household appliances.
Customers paid for the “goods” with cryptocurrency, which provided additional anonymity. The monthly income of the drug dealer was almost one and a half million hryvnias.
The law enforcement officers documented the facts of sending prohibited substances by logistics companies across Ukraine and beyond. At one of the checkpoints, 4 kg of Alpha-PVP psychotropic substances hidden in household appliances were seized.
Also, 5 kg of the psychotropic substance Alpha-PVP, disguised as cleaning equipment, was found in a truck at the border. Also, during the search, a car, mobile phones and money were found in the suspect’s possession.
The total weight of seized drug products, which the perpetrator intended to transport abroad, is more than 9 kg, which at black market prices is about 6.5 million hryvnias.