September 20, 2024
30,000 hryvnias for students: launch of a scholarship program at two Ukrainian universities thumbnail

30,000 hryvnias for students: launch of a scholarship program at two Ukrainian universities

The Danon company launched a scholarship program for students of Odesa National University of Technology and Kremenchug National University named after M. Ostrogradskyi. As part of the program, students of specialties related to the food industry, as well as students of technological specialties, will be able to receive semester financial support from the company. In addition, the winners of the program will receive access to the company’s educational resources and the opportunity to complete an internship at”, — write on:

The Danon company launched a scholarship program for students of Odesa National University of Technology and Kremenchug National University named after M. Ostrogradskyi. As part of the program, students of specialties related to the food industry, as well as students of technological specialties, will be able to receive semester financial support from the company. In addition, the winners of the program will receive access to the company’s educational resources and the opportunity to complete an internship at the Danon company.

The scholarship program will cover the following specialties:

  • “Food technologies” and “Technology of production and processing of livestock products” of Odesa National Technological University;
  • “Biotechnologies and bioengineering” and “Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics (Electric machines and devices)” of the Kremenchug National University named after M. Ostrogradskyi.

The program is designed for full-time students of 1-5 years, who have a high GPA (at least 4.5 on a 5-point scale) and demonstrate leadership qualities and high social activity. Program participants will have access to special trainings and workshops, and will also be able to complete an internship at the Danon company in Ukraine.

Our scholarship program is designed to create conditions for the development of talented students, provide financial support and promote their professional growth. The program was founded and named in honor of Andrii Poluektov, the former marketing director of Danon in Ukraine. By implementing bold projects and launching innovative products on the market, for more than ten years he ensured the strategic leadership and growth of the Danon company on the Ukrainian market

Iryna Sitnikova

HR director of Danon in Ukraine

Registration for participation in the program has already begun. You can find out more information about it on the websites of universities.

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