“Sergey Derevyanchenko believes that his compatriot is in a great shape”, – WRITE: Sport.ua
– What do you think about the possible return of Vladimir Klitschko to the ring? And if at all they wanted his return, then what opponent?
– I think I see in the video, Vladimir in a very good form, he constantly maintained the shape, so it will be interesting if he returns. I think he had a long break, so he needed “Easy Fight” to feel the ring and then the next battle with a more worthy and serious rival. Now hevaevit is a very interesting weight category.
– 39 years old is a rather serious age for boxer. Don’t you think about completing your career and how many fights you plan to spend?
– Well, I plan to spend a couple more fighting. I cannot say the exact number, – said Derevyanchenko.