“Lviv boxer will fight for the WBC Ukraine title”, – WRITE: Sport.ua
In a comment for the site Sport.ua Andriy Tsura shared his impressions of the future duel.
– Tell us how the preparation for the duel for the titles of the champion of Ukraine?
– The preparation is going well. This preparation is slightly different from all previous ones, so we expect a good result with the trainer.
– What do you know about your rival, and how do you appreciate it?
– personally not familiar. It looks like a decent guy, a good boxer. I expect an interesting and competitive match.
– In boxing circles say that this match can be a decoration of the evening. What do you expect from this fight?
– We want to pick up the belt, we want to show a quality battle and a spectacular box. I always try to box so that the result is good, and the duel captures the audience.
– In the event of a victory that you see the further development of your career?
– God will give, first victory, and then we will plan. Of course, I want to move forward, get new challenges and fight for other belts. But you should not run ahead – now all thoughts are just about this fight.