“In the Odesa Zoo, a leopard attacked an employee, the animal was neutralizedIn the enclosure of the Odesa Zoo, a leopard attacked an employee during...
“Zelenskyi appointed deputy Sybiga as head of the Commission on UNESCO and Tsymbalyuk as ambassador in Geneva. Maryana Betsa became the head of the National...
“The Russian Federation attacked Ukraine with more than 550 anti-aircraft missiles, almost 550 drones and more than 20 missiles in a week – Zelenskyi During...
“The need for savings and slightly less imports: what is happening in the energy systemThe Ministry of Energy reports importing 11,015 MWh of electricity from...
“The need for savings and somewhat smaller imports: what is happening in the power system Minenergo reports on the import of electricity from 5 neighboring...
“Throughout Ukraine, air alert against the threat of ballistics The Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has warned about the threat of the enemy...
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