“In Ukraine, from January 12 to 27, 2025, a marathon will be held to complete the online encyclopedia “Wikipedia”, dedicated to the 17th anniversary of...
“Ukrposhta released a postal set for Christmas, which consists of a block of stamps “A new joy has become, which never existed. Christmas”, envelope “First...
“The government approved the draft law, according to which the protection mechanisms will apply to the following languages: Bulgarian, Gagauz, Crimean Tatar, Modern Greek, German,...
“The Security Service of Ukraine will analyze the content of the YouTube channel “Lana TUT!” Svitlana Shevchuk, a former host of pro-Russian channels banned in...
“The total combat losses of Russian troops in Ukraine from February 24, 2022 to December 24, 2024 amount to about 777,720 people, including 1,630 people...
“The Security Service of Ukraine and the State Bureau of Investigation detained in Kherson a former employee of the remand detention center who, during the...
“Thanks to the functioning of the logistics hub at the Ryashiv-Jasionka airport (POLLOG HUB), 45 countries of the world send military and humanitarian aid to...
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