“This was reported by acting Mykola Kalashnyk, head of Kyiv regional state administration. The efforts of the Air Defense Forces managed to destroy several enemy...
“Bohdan Pantio, head of the operational planning section of the headquarters of the 4th battalion of the “Force of Freedom” brigade of the NSU “Rubizh”...
“This was reported in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 21.01.25 approximately...
“The soldier’s story was published on the brigade’s page. “I was working when the enemy surrounded Chernihiv. There were ten or more departures per day....
“The soldier’s story was made public on January 20 on the brigade’s website. “Ruins, smoke, constant sounds of explosions – Russian artillery, mortars, tanks were...