“About half of the crypto users surveyed are positive about the CI-DOCKO, according to Coingcko data. Attitude of cryptocurrency participants to shi products. Data: Coingcko. 46.9% of market participants noted a positive mood for crypto products using artificial intelligence. 19.9% are “to some extent bruise”, 27% are simply “bruised.” 29% of respondents took a neutral position, the remaining 24.1% were negative. Market participants expressed similar moods about Shi-Dawn. Judging by all, […]”, – WRITE: Businessua.com.ua

About half of the crypto users surveyed are positive about the CI-DOCKO, according to Coingcko data.
Attitude of cryptocurrency participants to shi products. Data: Coingcko.
46.9% of market participants noted a positive mood for crypto products using artificial intelligence. 19.9% are “to some extent bruise”, 27% are simply “bruised.”
29% of respondents took a neutral position, the remaining 24.1% were negative.
Market participants expressed similar moods about Shi-Dawn. Apparently, they do not share the investment potential of assets and the technology itself.
“Such moods on the market, for their part, can reflect the expectations that it is time for cryptos to go beyond the conceptual stage and become a mature sector,”-said in Coingcko.
The study was attended by 2 632 users, including:
- 51% consider themselves long -term investors;
- 26% – traders with short -term assets;
- 10% – developers;
- 13% – outsiders.
For 53% of the current cycle one (up to three years in the industry), for 34% – the second (from four to seven years), the rest have experience over eight years.
The survey was conducted from February 20 to March 10.
Recall that in February, Sygnum Bank experts have named the Sygnum Bank Kryptobank.
The founder of the Binance Exchange Changpen Cheoa believes that not every SI agent needs their own token.
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