March 22, 2025
Yuri Vitt: "In the match with Belgiya, the mounin wrapped his chance" thumbnail
Football Soccer

Yuri Vitt: “In the match with Belgiya, the mounin wrapped his chance”

The head coach of Ternopil Niva Yuri Virt In an exclusive interview with, he shared his impressions of the victorious match of the national team of Ukraine over Belgium (3: 1) in the League of Nations.

– Yuriy Nikolaevich, who have emotions from the match in which Ukraine in the volitional style beat Belgium (3: 1)?

– Of course, emotions are positive. There is a victory! But! There is such a “but” – this victory does not give us anything yet. Because there is still a second match. And it is necessary to prepare for it as much as possible. You need to show the same game and the same good result. But in general, in the first duel there were two different half -halves. In the first half of the meeting was a good start, there were attacks. But this missed Lukak ball has somewhere influenced the team psychologically. But in the second half a completely different picture was on the field. It was a completely different football from Ukraine. It was aggressive football. Our team spent a lot of time in the attack and scored three goals. The Ukrainians had a number of goals. Therefore, in general, you can only positively speak for this game and the result.

– What goals at the Belgium goal were scored by UPL Hutsuliak and Vanat’s weight adds to the Ukrainian Championship, what do you think?

– These are our good masters. These are really cool football players from the Ukrainian Championship who can play European championships. We can say that they worked for these goals. I am really happy to have skillfully used the chances they received. I can especially mention the Hutsulak goal. On his part, there was a high press, and the Belgian defender was wrong. As a result, Alexei Kholotokrovsky struck in the near corner very crushed. Where to hit, he punched there. This has been leveled.

– Do you think Hutsulak has a good pierced whether Kurtua was a little mistaken?

– Kurtua did everything the goalkeeper should do. In that episode there was a skill of Hutsulak. He really saw where to punch. He broke into the anti -protrusion and showed his skills. I will say that in the championship of Ukraine, Hutsulak had not one such goal. He sees the goalkeeper’s position and beats where there is a free angle.

– Do you think about this Anglotti thought after this game, when talking about Lunin and Kurtua? Can Andrew will claim the place of the Galacticos Gate?

– This match is a completely different story. The team is the national team and the championship is the championship. The club level is a completely different story. We cannot blame Kurtuis of the balls that Ukraine scored. I can only say that I am really glad for Andrew. He is very stable psychologically. He lacks playing practice in Reality. And, if Lunin is given this chance, he uses it one hundred percent. We can also remember the match for the Spain Cup against Real Sociozad. He played this duel perfectly, although he did not have a lot of game practice. We see that Andrew is in good shape. Despite this, Lunin plays or not plays a chance, he uses it. In the match with Belgium Lunin used his chance. Andrew played very well. He acted reliably at the exits and played his feet well. Everything was high. We can remember when 0-0 Andrew, we can say, read Lukaka’s idea and covered the ball. At a very good and high level, Lunin spent this match. But this is a national team! And clubs and national teams are different things. There is another coach and so on.


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